Q: Can you please advise me if a product is certified as kosher, whether it is Halaal.
Some people have said that the process of certifying a product is kosher is much more stringent than the halaal certification.
I have also been told that Allah (S.W.T.) states in the Quraan (Sura Al – Maida, verse 6) that one is allowed to eat the meat of the people of the book (Being Jews and Christians). Does this mean that if a product is kosher that they have taken the name of The Lord (Allah S.W.T.) whilst slaughtering.
Thus can one partake of kosher products and also eat at restaurants certified as kosher because it is my understanding that kosher certified restaurants also do not serve pork or alcohol.
The question of reliance on a kosher stamp as a guarantee on the Halaal status is hazardous and a slippery slope to follow, a path that we cannot unconditionally recommend.
Whilst there are similarities in certain of the rituals, there are many differences that one may not be aware off, some of which we list below.
? Kosher meat cannot be regarded Halaal, since the present day Jewish method of slaughter in an abattoir environment does not include the recitation of the name of the Almighty upon each animal which is a requirement for Halaal slaughter.
? Islam prohibits all intoxicating alcohol whilst wines manufactured under rabbinic supervision and other intoxicating beverages such as beers and rum etc. are regarded as kosher. The kosher mark cannot make it Halaal.
? Islam considers the entire cattle as Halaal if it is slaughtered in accordance to the Shari’ah whilst according to Jews the hind quarter is forbidden.
? Gelatin is considered kosher by some Jewish authorities regardless of its source of origin. Muslims consider gelatin prepared from pork as Haraam and most Halaal authorities also do not accept gelatin from non-Halaal slaughtered animal origin as being Halaal either. Therefore food items that could contain gelatin with kosher symbols on products such as marshmallows, yoghurts etc are not automatically Halaal.
? Enzymes irrespective of their source are acceptable in cheese making and carry the kosher symbol whilst enzymes of pork origin are Haraam to Muslims.
? Jewish law permits use of pork bristle brush in food preparation whilst it is Haraam for Muslims.
Muslims accept and believe as an article of faith, the role of all the previous Prophets (Peace be upon them) and the scriptures revealed through them, it relies on the final verse of the final revelation revealed to the final Prophet (Peace be upon him) in his farewell pilgrimage to put matters into its proper perspective.
In the verse revealed it was stated “…this day have I perfected your religion for you and completed my favour upon you and chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Surah 5: Verse 3)
The final divine laws of Islam are indeed perfect and best for followers. Consumption of Halaal increases spirituality and benefits us both now and in the Hereafter. There is no need to be dependent on any other sets of laws for convenience.