Massive world-wide celebrations herald in the coming of a new Gregorian year, and we have just witnessed the same for 2025. A new year is also the time for a fresh start, new chances and the opportunity to set things right.

Whilst in Islam, the month of Muharram is the beginning of a new Islamic year, for Muslims, every sunset brings in a new day to serve our Creator better than the previous. In Chapter 3, Verse 110 of the Noble Qur’aan, we are clearly instructed that,

“ You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men; you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah; and if the followers of the Book had believed it would have been better for them; of them (some) are believers and most of them are transgressors.”

The Halaal diet is a Divine injunction for every Muslim. A Muslim who is careless about what he eats falls into grave sin with disastrous consequences to his spirituality.

Alhumdulillah! In serving the Ummah, our service goes beyond Halaal certification. An integral component of our service is also educating the Ummah on Halaal and Haraam via our outreach programs whose main objective is to connect with individuals, organizations and communities.

Our programs are tailored to suit the needs of the audience in terms of Halaal information and are as follows:

1. Community programs

i. Jumu’ah talk in your musjid.

ii. Specialised coordinated community programs – after Maghrib/Esha talks in your Musjid, ladies group, businessmen etc

2. Programs for ulama/iftaa students of Darul Uloom’s

3. Programs tailored for Islamic schools /Institutes.

These are specialized and designed for learners at the different education phases of primary and secondary.

Our programs are interactive, informative and rendered without costs to you as our duty and calling in serving the mission of Halaal.

Book your space now for your very own customized programme on Halaal and Haraam.

0861 786 111

Start the new year with better knowledge of what your Creator expects of you!